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The Beatles Ballads
The Beatles Ballads

First released: 1980, October 20

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Reviews & comments
Richard Oliff - BBC broadcaster (2003, April 18)
It was always going to happen, but then again why not? After all, just about every other kind of Beatle compilation had been released. However, it has to be remembered that EMI and Capitol are not stupid and every move they make is a highly calculated and targeted one. And So it was with this album of Love Songs by the 'fabs'. Targeted at anyone who might listen to, say, Yesterday, and immediately go 'ohhhh' with big cow-eyes. Calculated to make as much money as possible with the minimum amount of effort, as is the way of the annual post-Beatle release. It gets an 'eight'purely for content: as an album it's brilliant, but I can see many fans waiting for a decent second-hand copy coming onto the market.